It might seem odd for us to launch Metolius right now, as the country is grappling with the largest public-health crisis of our lifetimes.
It feels odd to be launching right now for me too, but as they say, "no time like the present".

When our team got together to determine what impact COVID-19 was going to have on our business, this launch plan was a topic we discussed at length. In the end, we decided to proceed with our original, pre-pandemic plan to launch. There were three primary reasons why we made the decision:
Golf's Opportunity
First and foremost, we are launching this company because we believe that an unprecedented opportunity exists for golf courses. The pandemic has made one thing very clear - America still loves golf. In places where courses have remained open, demand has been outstanding. Some form of social distancing guidelines are likely to extend through the summer, meaning this demand trend will continue. Golf is one of the very few safe activities. The industry has an opportunity to attract new players and re-engage lost players. At last, there is a clear path for golf to emerge from the stagnant participation trend that has plagued us for so long.
Will golf courses and private clubs be able to keep the trend going?
In our view, yes! But only if they can engage these customers on an ongoing basis - keeping them coming back to the course time and time again.
We are here to help.
Wondering how to capture your fair share of the new demand? We've got a Facebook ad for that.
Wondering how you can keep new or beginner golfers engaged with your club? We've got an automated drip campaign for that.
Wondering how to track what advertising activities are driving the most new customers? We've got a business intelligence report for that.
Wondering how to manage 5 Facebook and Instagram posts next week and every week after? We take care of all that.
Wondering how you'll make up for lost banquets and outings? We've got lead gen campaigns, website optimization, and email automation to help with that, too.
The pandemic has made one thing very clear - it has never been more critical to engage your customers. Now is the time for the golf industry to reclaim its lost customers and rounds. We're here to help everyone use modern tools to do that efficiently and effectively.

We're Ready
Our team has been working on our beta for over a year. We began our proof of concept long before that. We've been testing and refining our software, services, and processes with more than 15 courses during that time. We've been fine-tuning everything from project management workflows to security standards. We have a lot invested in this company. We feel like we have a transformative offering that is unlike anything currently in the golf industry. We don't want it sitting on a shelf.
Sure, our launch during this time could seem opportunistic, but the fact is that we had Spring 2020 circled on the calendar since coronavirus was still contained in a bat-cave. We have worked tirelessly to get to this point, and we are excited to share our vision with you.
We know it might be a while before golf courses and private clubs feel secure enough to invest in our tools. That's okay with us. Our mission is to help golf courses, private clubs, and small businesses leverage technology. Of course, we want to get our tools in the hands of operators. But our mission also carries a responsibility to help the entire industry - clients or not. We are duty-bound to be a source of truth. If we never sign-up a new client, we'll still be here helping operators learn about the tools and technologies available to them.
Small Businesses Need Help
The pandemic has made one thing clear to many operators - the world has changed. It has been amazing to watch so many small businesses in America catch-up with technology over these last couple of months.
Curbside pickup and delivery have achieved blanket adoption in the F&B and retail industries.
Private Clubs delivering groceries? I wouldn't have guessed that!
And "Direct to Tee" access is available at almost every public course in the US.
The speed with which our industry adopted new processes makes me incredibly proud to be associated with such a group of adaptable, resourceful operators.
Many of these trends are here to stay. Customers will be looking to book and pay online more than ever, and yes, when your events resume, they'll be looking to register and pay online. They'll expect you to have a responsive website with easy to access information. They'll expect you to keep them updated on all course happenings via social media. They'll expect routine video updates from you. There's no going back to sporadic communication and "call the golf shop to reserve."
If you don't feel ready for your customer's new marketing and technology expectations, we can help.