With over 1 billion user accounts, Instagram has taken the digital world by storm and isn't slowing down. This momentum offers an excellent opportunity for your golf course, private club, or small business to leverage Instagram. Sharing behind the scenes, event announcements, and more opens a door for connecting with your customers on a new level. Check out a few tips & tricks to get you started!
Before we get started, here's a quick guide to two Instagram keywords, understanding the lingo is key!
Reach reflects how many unique views your profile has, or how people see your content
Impressions are the number of times your posts have been seen; this will always be higher than your reach

Bring it all together
Once launching your business Instagram account, make sure to link Facebook and Instagram. Consistency between platforms can be challenging to manage, making it more accessible from the beginning! What happens after linking accounts?
- You can manage Facebook & Instagram messages, comments and more all from one spot.
- Easily connect your stories.
- Set up Shopping on Instagram with a linked Facebook account.
- All contact information syncs between platforms, you will only have to update information once!
- Running consistent ads on Facebook & Instagram are now a reality.
Questions on Facebook? We've put together a quick guide to Facebook Business here.
Tell your story on your stories.
Offering up a slideshow format, Instagram stories are home to space for real-time content, polls, images, GIFS, & more - all in one sweet spot. Instagram stories stay live for 24 hours on your page. This sense of urgency often has people swiping left and right rather than scrolling up and down. All stories are located prominently at the top of your followers timelines, making it the first thing they see when opening the app. Often times, your stories will get more impressions than a traditional post, don't leave your followers hanging! Pro Tip - once your Facebook & Instagram accounts are linked, you can share any story to one or both pages in just one click, talk about impressive!
Highlight the good stuff
If you want to keep your stories around and on your page, Highlights is a great tool! Add any of your stories to your Highlights, and they will be front and center on your page. Talk about an awesome opportunity to highlight your greens speed, event space, or lunch specials all in one spot!

Snap a picture
Instagram is all about visual appeal, get artsy, and let's make your content stop your followers' scroll. This could be behind the scenes action or just a beautiful sunrise. Your followers crave genuine human content that you can give them daily! We've all heard the phrase, 'stop and smell the roses' take it to the next level and stop and capture the roses, your followers will love it! Don't worry about your photography skills, Instagram filters make magic happen.

Listen to what the data is telling you! Every business profile houses profile insights that can be key to continued growth. Take a few minutes each week to learn about your followers and what's been successful. Visit Insights on your business profile to see weekly reports on content, activity, and audience. Better yet, use our custom Business Intelligence platform to slice and dice the data however you'd like.
Focus on the activity section to see your reach, impressions, profile views, and website clicks. Check out the audience section to see who's following your page and to track how your audience has grown over the last 7 days! Wondering where the majority of your followers are located or how old they are? You're in luck! The audience section breaks it all down for you.
Hashtags can be daunting at first. Above all else, think expanded reach. Utilizing hashtags allow your business to expand their reach instantly! If you're new to the Instagram world and looking to expand your reach locally, try adding your city or states hashtag into your posts- anyone looking for local content will find you! Another great idea? Come up with a branded hashtag for your followers to see your content or a current campaign to grab their attention.